The French timber industry figures. Situation, tendencies and timber construction figures…
Economical Observatory of France Bois Forêt.
A sociological look at timber buildings Through the eyes of the general public. Wood, an argument for better lifestyles?
Stéphane Chevrier (MANA).
Timber, a tactical development tool Feedback by clients/owners having used wood in their buildings.
Angers Loire Habitat, Conseil Général des Vosges, Ville de Montreuil.
Structural timber Panorama of projects using innovative constructive systems
Nicolas Barthes, Timber construction engineers society (IBC).
The Trade adapting to the energetic transitions Figures, trends and latest evolutions.
Le Commerce du Bois (French timber traders association).
The French timber offer - Hardwoods, softwoods Structural timber, terraces, parquets, cladding, sawn
Maxime Baudrand (Atlanbois and the France Bois Region network (regional promotional organisms).
Panorama of timber architecture in Finland and European trends
Pekka Heikkinen, architect, editor in chief of PUU, and director of the Wood Studio Aalto University of Finland.
New timber architectural techniques: when the Voralberg in Austria inspires the French
Dominique Gauzin-Müller, architect, journalist.
‘High Rise’ timber buildings in France
Dominique Millereux (FIBC).
Timber, design & interior design: all that designers wanted to know about wood… Species, uses and techniques
Gérard Laizé (VIA).
Timber in the City: external thermal renovation, extensions and elevations. Techniques and examples
Estelle Billiotte CNDB, (Comite National pour le développement du Bois).
Technical tools and solutions offered by timber for the construction industry Presentation of the Timber Construction Catalogue detailing products and their characteristics.
Laurence Maiffredy (FCBA).
Local species & timber products Panorama of the initiatives put in place for the valorization
of French species.
Caroline Berwick (FNB), Samuel Rialland (Atlanbois) With the network of the regional timber promotion associations.
Timber solutions for the renovation of an industrial building into autonomous Energy housing
The example of Cap 44. Atlantic Challenge/Solar Decathlon 2014.